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Limited availability July, Sept & Nov-Dec
Welcome to French Wargames Holidays
Your hosts Matt & Vanessa Williamson
The only French holiday for lovers of Wargaming and Military History.
Custom 3-5 night Packages for, singles and couples.
The only Wargames Holiday that your partner will enjoy.
Beautiful B&B accommodation c1690 L'Hotel de Hercé, Mayenne,
Unique Holiday - Wargaming, Military History Touring & French Cultural Heritage Tours, great food and wine.
Ancients, Medieval, Renaissance, French Revolution, Franco-Prussian War & WW2
2024 Events
JULY Napoleon at Chateau du Plessis Boureé
September Medieval Tournament of Saint Michel
Wargaming - a world of options
Gaming Periods
Play popular periods, a mix of nations and outer worlds!
28 & 1/1200th Bronze Age Greeks
28mm Rise and Fall of Rome Romans, Celts, Gauls, Germans, Goths, Sassanids, Sarmatians, Alans
28mm Early Medieval Normans, Vikings, Franks, Bretons, Maine
28mm High Medieval English Scots, Bretons, French
28mm Late Medieval French, Bretons
28mm Renaissance French, Germans, Swiss, Bretons, Italians
Horse and Musket French, English, Americans & 1/1200th Naval
28mm Napoleonic French, English, Rhine Confederation, Austrian, Prussian, Russian & 1/1200th Naval
28mm 19th century Franco Prussian War, ACW, 1/1200th Spanish American War
1/72 WW1 Aircraft
20mm WW2
20th Century Cold War - Bush Wars, Modern
30mm Fantasy Battles Middle Earth, Warhammer World
1/300th, 20mm & 30mm Future Wars
Rule sets
Rule sets
Ancients - Saga, Hail Caesar, Impetus
Medieval - Saga, Lion Rampant, Barons Wars, Hail Caesar, Impetus & Test of Resolve
Renaissance - Test of Resolve, Impetus & Baroque
Horse and Musket - British Grenadier, Musket and Tomahawk
Napoleonic - Sharpe's Practice, General de Brigade, Grand Manner, General de Armée
ACW- Franco Prussian War Picketts Charge, Jonny Reb 3
WW1 - Canvas Eagles, Wings of War
WW2 - Chain of Command, Battlegroup, Rapid Fire
Cold War/Modern - Force on Force, Able Archer
Fantasy Battles - Impetus Fantasy, Warhammer Battles, Mordhiem
Futuristic Wars - Tomorrows War, Warhammer 40k, X-Wing, Full Thrust
We also can play test your rulesets, recent playtests
Ronin - Osprey Publishing
Valour and Fortitude Perry
Test and Resolve David Knight & Tim Couper