Bed & Breakfast & Holidays 53100, Mayenne
Spring Special €125 B&B
Direct Enquiries email lhoteldeherce@orange.fr
Sustainable Tourism Program
L'Hotel de Hercé Mission Statement includes an Environmental Policy.
This means we make choices based on reducing the impact of our business on the environment. You will see this in a few small ways during your stay with us.

Sustainable Tourism Practices
Awarded Sustainable Tourism Tick from Bookingdotcom
Waste recycling
Destination & Community
Support local Tourism

In-house, laundry uses Savon Marseilles pure soap, natural vegetable base, no fragrance, no colouring, chemicals or bleach.
To save water and electricity, we change bed linen and towels after your 3rd night stay. If you require Fresh linen just let us know.

Sparkling Water
Sparkling water is made from Mayenne water & a soda stream.
We don't buy bottled water.

Low impact Tourism
Cycling Holiday Tourism Bike House for Guest
Promotes longer stays
Promotes Local Tourism destinations

Central Heating
L'Hotel de Hercé is heated by a high-energy efficient, heat-retaining, hydronic system run on town natural gas.

Our car for Hotel transfers
& Guided Touring is a Hybrid Renault
Promotes Holidays and Tours in Local tourism destinations

Promote Local Tourism & Longer stays
Regional Guided Tours
Normandy & Loire Valley Tours
Promotes Local Tourism destinations

Compost & COFFEE
All kitchen waste is composted in the back garden and used on our garden beds.
Coffee is made via an Espresso machine, Press or Filter methods. All coffee waste is composted.
No plastic coffee pods are used.

All paper, plastic, glass & metals are sorted & recycled
Minimum single-use plastics
Guest toiletries refillable & recyclable

Fruit Trees
Buy Mayenne produce for farm to table dining
We preserve our homegrown cherries and mirabelles.
Garden is glyphosate-free
Compost kitchen waste
Use natural fertilizers
Our garden and water features refuge for native birds.